Cuando la Tierra era plana
y las nubes eran de fuego,
y las montañas llegaban al cielo,
y a veces más alto
el mundo lo habitaban gente
que parecían toneles.
Tenían dos pares de brazos,
tenían dos pares de piernas,
tenían dos caras que asomaban
de una enorme cabeza.
Podían ver todo a su alrededor.
Hablaban mientras leían
y no sabían,
no sabían nada del amor.
Esto fue antes
del origen del amor.
Y en aquel tiempo había tres sexos.
Uno que parecía dos hombres
pegados espalda con espalda.
Se llamaban los Hijos del Sol.
Similares en aspecto y tamaño
eran los Hijos de la Tierra.
Eran como dos chicas
fundidas en una sola pieza.
Y los Hijos de la Luna
eran como un tenedor
metido en una cuchara,
eran mitad Tierra y mitad Sol,
mitad hija y mitad hijo.
El origen del amor.
Pero los dioses se asustaron
de nuestra fuerza y orgullo.
Y Thor dijo:
“Los mataré a todos con mi martillo
como maté a los gigantes”.
Pero Zeus contestó:
“No, déjame a mí.
Usaré mis rayos como tijeras y los cortaré
como corté las patas de las ballenas
y recorté a los dinosaurios volviéndolos lagartos”.
Tomó unos cuantos rayos,
soltó una carcajada y dijo:
“Los partiré por la mitad,
voy a cortarlos en dos mitades”.
Y las nubes empezaron a formar
una gran tormenta de bolas de fuego.
Entonces del cielo cayeron
una gran tormenta de bolas de fuego.
Entonces del cielo cayeron
llamas de relámpagos
como hojas de un cuchillo brillante.
Y les atravesaron la carne
de los Hijos del Sol, de la Luna
y de la Tierra.
Y un dios Indio cosió la herida,
dejando un agujero en nuestro vientre
para recordarnos el precio pagado.
Y Osiris y los dioses del Nilo
crearon una gran tormenta
que formó un huracán
que nos dispersó en un diluvio
de viento y lluvia.
Y un mar de olas gigantes
nos arrastró.
Y si no nos comportamos
nos volverán a cortar
y andaremos en un sólo pie
y miraremos con un sólo ojo.
La última vez que te vi
recién nos habían dividido.
Tu me mirabas.
Yo te miraba.
Me resultabas tan familiar
pero no pude reconocerte
por la sangre en tu rostro
y la sangre en mis ojos.
Pero podría jurar por tu expresión
que el dolor en tu alma
era el mismo dolor que sentía la mía.
Ése es el dolor que
corta en línea recta
a través del corazón
lo que llamamos amor.
Así, nos abrazamos uno al otro
tratando de volver a unirnos.
Estuvimos haciendo el amor.
Haciendo el amor.
Fue hace mucho tiempo,
una noche fría y oscura
cuando la poderosa mano de Júpiter
creo la triste historia
de cómo nos convertimos
en criaturas solitarias de dos piernas.
Esta es la historia del origen del amor.
El origen del amor.
Trad. Rebeca Garza
When the earth was still flat,
And the clouds made of fire,
And mountains stretched up to the sky,
Sometimes higher,
Folks roamed the earth
Like big rolling kegs.
They had two sets of arms.
They had two sets of legs.
They had two faces peering
Out of one giant head
So they could watch all around them
As they talked; while they read.
And they never knew nothing of love.
It was before the origin of love.
The origin of love
And there were three sexes then,
One that looked like two men
Glued up back to back,
Called the children of the sun.
And similar in shape and girth
Were the children of the earth.
They looked like two girls
Rolled up in one.
And the children of the moon
Were like a fork shoved on a spoon.
They were part sun, part earth
Part daughter, part son.
The origin of love
Now the gods grew quite scared
Of our strength and defiance
And Thor said,
"I'm gonna kill them all
With my hammer,
Like I killed the giants."
And Zeus said, "No,
You better let me
Use my lightening, like scissors,
Like I cut the legs off the whales
And dinosaurs into lizards."
Then he grabbed up some bolts
And he let out a laugh,
Said, "I'll split them right down the middle.
Gonna cut them right up in half."
And then storm clouds gathered above
Into great balls of fire
And then fire shot down
From the sky in bolts
Like shining blades
Of a knife.
And it ripped
Right through the flesh
Of the children of the sun
And the moon
And the earth.
And some Indian god
Sewed the wound up into a hole,
Pulled it round to our belly
To remind us of the price we pay.
And Osiris and the gods of the Nile
Gathered up a big storm
To blow a hurricane,
To scatter us away,
In a flood of wind and rain,
And a sea of tidal waves,
To wash us all away,
And if we don't behave
They'll cut us down again
And we'll be hopping round on one foot
And looking through one eye.
Last time I saw you
We had just split in two.
You were looking at me.
I was looking at you.
You had a way so familiar,
But I could not recognize,
Cause you had blood on your face;
I had blood in my eyes.
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine.
That's the pain,
Cuts a straight line
Down through the heart;
We called it love.
So we wrapped our arms around each other,
Trying to shove ourselves back together.
We were making love,
Making love.
It was a cold dark evening,
Such a long time ago,
When by the mighty hand of Jove,
It was the sad story
How we became
Lonely two-legged creatures,
It's the story of
The origin of love.
That's the origin of love.
When the earth was still flat,
And the clouds made of fire,
And mountains stretched up to the sky,
Sometimes higher,
Folks roamed the earth
Like big rolling kegs.
They had two sets of arms.
They had two sets of legs.
They had two faces peering
Out of one giant head
So they could watch all around them
As they talked; while they read.
And they never knew nothing of love.
It was before the origin of love.
The origin of love
And there were three sexes then,
One that looked like two men
Glued up back to back,
Called the children of the sun.
And similar in shape and girth
Were the children of the earth.
They looked like two girls
Rolled up in one.
And the children of the moon
Were like a fork shoved on a spoon.
They were part sun, part earth
Part daughter, part son.
The origin of love
Now the gods grew quite scared
Of our strength and defiance
And Thor said,
"I'm gonna kill them all
With my hammer,
Like I killed the giants."
And Zeus said, "No,
You better let me
Use my lightening, like scissors,
Like I cut the legs off the whales
And dinosaurs into lizards."
Then he grabbed up some bolts
And he let out a laugh,
Said, "I'll split them right down the middle.
Gonna cut them right up in half."
And then storm clouds gathered above
Into great balls of fire
And then fire shot down
From the sky in bolts
Like shining blades
Of a knife.
And it ripped
Right through the flesh
Of the children of the sun
And the moon
And the earth.
And some Indian god
Sewed the wound up into a hole,
Pulled it round to our belly
To remind us of the price we pay.
And Osiris and the gods of the Nile
Gathered up a big storm
To blow a hurricane,
To scatter us away,
In a flood of wind and rain,
And a sea of tidal waves,
To wash us all away,
And if we don't behave
They'll cut us down again
And we'll be hopping round on one foot
And looking through one eye.
Last time I saw you
We had just split in two.
You were looking at me.
I was looking at you.
You had a way so familiar,
But I could not recognize,
Cause you had blood on your face;
I had blood in my eyes.
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine.
That's the pain,
Cuts a straight line
Down through the heart;
We called it love.
So we wrapped our arms around each other,
Trying to shove ourselves back together.
We were making love,
Making love.
It was a cold dark evening,
Such a long time ago,
When by the mighty hand of Jove,
It was the sad story
How we became
Lonely two-legged creatures,
It's the story of
The origin of love.
That's the origin of love.
Escena de la película "Hedwig and the angry inch". John Cameron Mitchell escribió el guión de la obra y fue también el director y actor principal de la película. La música y las letras de las canciones las hizo Stephen Trask.